CHEM3351 Analytical Chemistry – Undergraduate course

A lecture course in the basic and advanced theories and techniques of analytical chemical methods.

Blackboard (ttu.blackboard.com)
Squarecap (squarecap.com)
OWLv2 (www.cengage.com/owlv2/)

Textbook (http://www.cengage.com/search/productOverview.do?N=16+4294922413+4294967052&Ntk=P_EPI&Ntt=1017678002107774644121352543501995704636&Ntx=mode%2Bmatchallpartial)

CHEM5314 Advanced Analytical Chemistry – Graduate course

General principles and special methods of analytical chemistry.

CHEM5320 Analytical Spectroscopy – Graduate course

A detailed fundamental assessment and survey of the important techniques in analytical spectroscopy.

CHEM3000 Undergraduate Research

CHEM4300 Senior Research